We've answered the most common questions asked.
These are some of the frequent questions asked by customers. Please browse through our list of questions. If you have a question that’s not listed below, please contact our office at: (818) 530-5100 and we would be happy to answer any of your questions.
If you’re expecting a refund and want the funds as soon as possible. You should mail your return as early in the tax season as possible. You should receive your refund in approximately 4-6 weeks. If you wait and file your return closer to the April deadline, it will take about 8 weeks. You should also e-file your return to get your return even sooner!
You can check the status of your refund by phone or internet:
FEDERAL – Internal Revenue Services
Have your return handy, you will need to refer to it to answer some questions. To check on your refund, you will need to provide your:
You will generally receive your federal tax refund within:
STATE of California – Franchise Tax Board
You will need the following to check the status of your income tax refund:
You will generally receive your state tax refund within:
At Villegas and Associates, Inc. we strive to give our customers the best refund possible, but experiencing a smaller tax refund could be attributed to many reasons, such as:
The IRS could have deducted these amounts from your refund:
Whatever the case may be, you should receive a notice explaining the mistake or any adjustments made to your refund. The notice should include explanations of deductions for prior debts. Since your refund check and the notice come from different IRS locations, you might receive the explanation after you receive the refund check.
Yes, but in order to claim childcare expenses the age limit is 12 years old. You will need to provide the following information, full name of child care provider, SSN or tax identification number, phone number, address and monthly child care cost.
Yes, on the day of your tax appointment remember to bring your checkbook. We will need a voided check with your account number and routing number.
As you prepare for your tax appointment, refer to the checklist below to ensure you bring the necessary documents that pertain to your individual tax return.
Income documents
Other tax documents
Tax deduction documents
(818) 530-5100